What do you wear to bed? I really don’t need you to answer that one out loud, just think about it. If you’re lucky, about a third of your day is spent in bed, which makes the odds of an emergency happening while you’re in your PJ’s pretty good. In the event of an earthquake, fire, or other night time emergency, can you wake up, jump out of bed, put on the shoes you’re keeping nearby and evacuate your house in what you have on?
In some cases it might just be slightly embarrassing to have the neighbors see you in your night attire, but in other cases (such as being under-dressed for a cold night time evacuation) what you wore to bed could endanger your safety or health. You cold sleepers that are always bundled up shouldn’t have any problem, but if you’re a hot sleeper, consider taking off a blanket or two and wearing more substantial pajamas. Just a little something to think about as you’re heading off to dreamy land tonight!